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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Joy In Everything

Amethyst Faith (Red)

I wonder sometimes why so many people take life so seriously. I, for one, have been guilty of this quite a bit. We worry about the littlest things. Thinking, somehow, that the worrying will change our circumstances. There are some things that are out of our control. But what it comes down to is that I am still my own person, with my own decisions to make. Do I choose to worry and stress  about what could happen? Or do I keep a smile on my face and make the best out of whatever comes my way?
On the other hand, we control far more of our circumstances than what we would like to believe. We would rather worry and pass the blame. And, in doing this, we rid ourselves of joy. We deny ourselves our dreams. We struggle through, day by day, in situations that cause us stress, anger, depression and so on, thinking we're stuck. "It's the government's fault!" (my personal favorite), or It's my spouse/children's fault!" Blaming everyone but the one person who actually has the power to change the situation: OURSELVES.
Maybe you don't like where you are in your life, whether it be at work, at home or every little thing in between. But, the question is, what have you done to change it? Most people have done very little, if anything. I, myself, have barely even taken baby-steps towards most of my dreams. And that has been due to sheer laziness. I have no good reason for it. Most of us don't.
We were not put on this planet to crawl through life doing things that do not bring us joy. Anything that does not bring you joy is a waste of precious time. Look around your life. What joyless things are you wasting your life away on? Change it! Whatever it takes, do it. It will take time to get to where you want to be so, as with all things patience is a virtue. Don't make excuses. There are many people, far worse off than you or I, that have been able to do what needed to be done to follow their dreams. It's going to be hard work. You have to be dedicated and push through the difficult moments, but the end result will be worth every bit of it. 
Find your joy in everything you do. Don't waste your life. Smile, laugh, love, LIVE! 

"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive." ~Elbert Hubbard

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